Sensei Keith Holme (Owner & Head Instructor)

Sensei Keith Holme is a 3rd degree black belt in Japanese self defence Ju-Jitsu (Hon Tai Yoshin Ryu) and has been teaching for over 30 years.  He grew up in Liverpool, England and started Ju-Jitsu training at the age of 14.  He trained under the tutelage of the late Soke Robert Clark (10th Dan), World Ju-Jitsu Federation of Liverpool. He achieved his black belt when he was 17 years old.  He was among the first 200 students to be appointed into the World Ju-Jitsu Federation Institute of Black Belts and achieved his level two coaching award.

Both his Father and Sister also trained in Ju-Jitsu.  Some time after becoming black belts, the family set up and ran a small club on the outskirts of Liverpool, on behalf of the “W.J.J.F”  where they dedicated two nights a week to teach 50 plus children and 20 plus adults each week. His Mother was also involved, she did all the administration work, even though there were 8 Degrees of black belt training between them, Sensei Holme always says that Mum was still “The Boss!”.

They have seen many students pass through their club over the years. Some of whom still train and teach. 

Sensei Holme immigrated to Canada in 1999 and has been teaching Ju-Jitsu in other martial arts clubs. In May 2011, he made the decision to open his own facility, Red Dragon Martial Arts Academy. The name “Red Dragon” was chosen for a number of reasons. The ‘dragon’ has always been a symbol of martial arts, Red is Sensei’s favorite colour, The World Ju-Jitsu Federation has a red dragon in their logo and he also has family from Wales whose flag sports a Red Dragon, so I guess you could say the name was obvious.

“I believe martial arts is a way of life and a never ending journey. I want all of my students to achieve their life goals and be the best that they can be.”

Sensei Keith Holme

Miss Samantha Maki (Taekwon-Do Instructor)

Hi, I’m Sam! I teach the taekwondo class at Red Dragon and have been a student since the club opened in 2011. I started taekwondo at the age of 8 after seeing a kung fu movie with a really cool female martial artist and decided then and there I wanted to be just like her; so, I found myself a dojo and began my journey!
It wasn’t until I was 10 that I joined jujitsu and began training under sensei Keith. In 2015 I achieved my blackbelt in taekwondo. The following year I achieved my blackbelt in Ju jitsu, and am currently training towards another.
Both arts have played a huge role in my life and have given me the confidence and discipline I have today. It has been awesome to step into the role of instructor and I hope to pass along the same skills to my students.

Samantha Maki

Sensei Sean Smith (Peewee Instructor)

Sean has had the privilege of training under Sensei Keith Holme for more than a decade.  A black belt in Japanese Jiu-Jitsu, he enthusiastically assists Sensei Keith in the Pee-Wee Dragons class, combining his skill with years of experience in working with children.  He believes that a foundation in martial arts provides invaluable benefits for the development of confidence in kids; physically, emotionally and mentally.  Red Dragon has become a fundamental part of his personal journey

Sean Smith


Sensei Corry York (Assistant Instructor)

I have been studying Japanese ju jitsu with Sensei Keith Holme since 2006 and received my black belt in 2013. I have enjoyed every step along the way from assisting in the kids class to meeting new students and parents. I am excited to see what is in store for the future. I am also studying Koryu uchanidi kempo ju jutsu and have love for the history and traditions of the martial arts.


Corry York

Sensei Larisa Brown (Assistant Instructor)

Larisa is a 22 year old graduate from Queen’s University with a degree in Kinesiology. Starting at the Red Dragon in 2011, Larisa trained and received her junior black belt in 2017 at 15 years old. During her years of training and learning about the body to improve self-defense, Larisa developed an interest in anatomy. It is this reason that Larisa decided to go into Kinesiology and study the human body. Now, after completing her degree, Larisa is back at the Red Dragon as an assistant instructor and looks forward to passing on her own knowledge to the next generation of martial artists.

Larisa Brown

                                                                       WHAT IS HONTAI YOSHIN RYU?

                Hontai yoshin ryu is a traditional Japanese style of Ju-Jitsu, which was formed almost four hundred years ago.                   The style embodies the techniques, principles and spirit of the Samurai way of life.
It is a “self defence” art which emphasises on using your opponent’s weight and force against them.
                It involves throws, take down’s, arm, wrist and leg locks, escape’s from various holds, strikes, kicks, etc.                                A little bit of everything!
           Along with the physical aspect of self defence, you achieve respect, discipline, courtesy and develop the courage                          and self confidence to apply to all aspects of life.

Anyone can practice Hontai yoshin ryu regardless of age, build or gender.
We welcome all students of good character who wish to learn the art in the true spirit of BUDO.






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